120 W. Regent Street, Inglewood, CA 90301 Phone: 310-680-5280

What is AVID?
AVID Secondary (grades 7-12) develops learning, study and academic behavioral skills that are essential to success in rigorous coursework. It acts as a catalyst for schools to develop a culture of college readiness for all students across the campus. In the AVID Elective class, students receive daily instruction and support to prepare them for college from a trained AVID Elective teacher. AVID impacts students school wide as academic strategies like writing to learn, inquiry, collaboration, organizational skills, and critical reading (WICOR) are taught in all classes by teachers who have been trained to use AVID strategies in their specific content areas.
AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to closing the achievement gap by preparing all students for college and other post-secondary opportunities. Established more than 30 years ago with one teacher in one classroom, AVID today impacts more than 800,000 students in 44 states and 16 other countries/territories.
What AVID Does
Simply, AVID trains educators to use proven practices in order to prepare students for success in high school, college, and a career, especially students traditionally underrepresented in higher education.
How AVID Works
AVID brings research‐based strategies and curriculum to educational institutions in elementary, secondary, and higher education. The AVID System annually provides more than 30,000 educators with training and methodologies that develop students’ critical thinking, literacy, and math skills across all content areas throughout the entire campus, in what we call Schoolwide AVID.
- Teaches skills and behaviors for academic success
- Provides intensive support with tutorials and strong student/teacher relationships
- Creates a positive peer group for students
- Develops a sense of hope for personal achievement gained through hard work and determination
As a result, policymakers and educators now consider AVID’s mission to be an essential strategy for closing the achievement gap, making college access and success available to all students.
Learn more about AVID’s college and career readiness efforts, and see our results!
Enroll Now 2018-2019
Registration for new students takes place at your neighborhood school.
Please call the school directly for enrollment dates and hours. (In order to find your school,
click here,
or call

Sylvia Branch
Assistant Principal:
Ms. Kym Gero-Burris
8th Grade Counselor
Ms. Irma Soto-Altstaetter
7th Grade Counselor
Ms. Nadia Jones
Office Manager:
Mrs. Jeannette Tapia
School Calendar 2018-2019